

The sink Carnival- Via the Celebrations

…via the Carnival of Sink 21-28 January 2017; 4 -11-18-25 February 2017; 4-5 March 2017 Start the Carnival of sink every Saturday, until the 4 March (then a final party on 5 March), Carnival will come alive with parties organized by grassroots groups that offer dancing and welcomes those[…]

Where Skiing in Basilicata locations…

The location for Skiing in Basilicata are Sellata-Arioso a ski area consisting of two locations, Abriola and Sasso di Castalda, It extends in a rich landscape of beech trees, in the heart of Basilicata, a few kilometers from the capital Potenza. Nestled in the woods of the National Park of 'Appennino Lucano has a[…]

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